6 Teenage Dating Tips

4. Be clear about sexual activity

Most teenagers are confused as to how to deal with situations that involve sexual tension. It is essential to understand that one must not rush into it. Sexual activity must be shared between two individuals who love each other. If you find yourself confused about this, talk to a teacher, parent or mentor to help you deal with it.

5. Be who you are

Remember to be yourself. Do not try to be someone or something you are not, just to impress your date, because sooner or later he/she will find out. In order to have a safe, transparent and genuine relationship, be honest about your past and present life.

6. Appreciate

If you like something about your date, compliment them. It could be a quality, an outfit or even a gesture. Try to discover what interests them rather than keep talking about what interests you. When you honestly appreciate others it puts you in positive light as well.

P.S: Always smile and be polite.

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