6 Tips to Break Free From Bad Work Habits

4. Prioritize your work efficiently

In spite of putting in extra efforts and additional work hours in office, if you haven’t yet been able to get the desired results, then there is something wrong in the way you work. You need to be a ‘smart worker’ rather than being a ‘hard worker’. Hard work counts only when you are able to show results. So, learn to prioritize your work on the basis of its impact and value. Before planning your day or prioritizing your work, ask yourself if the work you are going to do will have a positive impact on your performance or the performance of your organization. This will help you in recognizing the relevance of each work allocated to you and its prioritization as well.

5. Never be late for meetings

The kind of impression you create on your colleagues or your boss goes a long way in determining your success in any organization. Always turning up late for meeting reflects carelessness and irresponsibility on your part. People tend to take you for granted and may even ridicule you for always being late. Just because you show up 5-10 minutes late for your meeting, the other meetings scheduled for that day tend to get off schedule. By being a little late, you not only waste your time but also the time of all those associated with the meeting.

6. Unplug from all your social networks

Most people are so very addicted to the social networking sites that every now and then they want to go back to check if any new notification has arrived. If you too are hooked on to the social networking sites and enjoy checking how many likes and comments your most recent photo received every five minutes or in the middle of your urgent work, you are posting ‘Happy Birthday’ on your friend’s wall, then you are addicted to it. Social networking sites are more like an addiction, once you log in, you are hooked on to it. Therefore, always unplug from all your social networking sites during work as it adversely affects your concentration and hampers your work drastically.

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