6 Tips to Handle an Angry and Irritated Woman

6 Tips to Handle an Angry and Irritated Woman

Photo Courtesy: Arbron

Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned, or even angered for that matter. We have all been there and done that. Faced with the wrath of a lady so angry that we go weak in the knees and don’t understand what to do. These tips will keep you prepared on what to do the next time a woman flares up.

1. Stay calm

Maintain your composure at all times, especially if a female is really angry. Stop arguing or joking about and teasing her, as she is not in the mood for fun any longer. If you blow your lid off as well, it will worsen matters further.

2. Apologize

Many men start counter attacking when a woman gets angry about a mistake they committed. Yes, she may exaggerate a bit by getting angry on the mistake, but it’s your duty as a man to own up to your mistakes and apologize. She is sure to calm down after an apology or two from your side.

3. Don’t whine after the topic has ended

Prior to her angry outburst when she has just started to calm down is not the right time to start another row again. You should totally end the chapter or else risk stirring up a storm in still waters again. Don’t utter a fleeting line to compensate your ego and have the assurance of the last word; for women know very well how to always have the last word.

4. Do something sweet

When she is ranting and raving like a lunatic, go up to her and hug her. Tell her how much you love her and how badly you want to make her feel good. You could also kiss her to shut her up and that would actually be a true kiss of passion. These sweet gestures will melt her heart faster and the matter would be settled.

5. Explain your stance in a low tone

Raising your voice on a lady, even if she is raising hers, is not good manners. While she is shouting, start explaining your stance if you feel you are right, in a low but firm tone.

6. Probe for the reason of the anger

Many a time, women put the blame for their anger on something while the real reason is something else. She could very well be testing you to see how attentive and caring you are. Whether you bother to find out what is actually irritating her or simply say sorry to end an argument. Hence, men should always probe further, asking the woman what got her goat. However, don’t ask more than a couple of times if her answer is the same both times; that would appear as if you didn’t care to listen.

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