5 Ways to Prevent Cyber Stalking

4. Ignore stalking

If a stranger contacts you, avoid responding. Communication with the bully makes things worse. It will instigate more anger and emotional attacks. Completely ignore their mails and online messages, instead of trying to find out their identity. Victims who are under the age of 18 should immediately inform their parents or another adult they trust about any harassment or threats they have faced online.

5. Check online

It is a good idea to do an internet search of your name at regular intervals. Check to see if there is any unauthorized information about you in any site. If there is, contact the website moderator immediately and get it removed. Also, remember to reset your online passwords every few months.

Most of the internet service providers offer filtering and blocking tools to stop communications from prowlers. Use it wisely. Also remember to gather all evidences like emails, chats, phone call details made by the stalker to file a cyber-stalking case. Be very careful of how you appear in the online word. These tips will help you avoid being a victim of cyber stalking and have a hassle free online life.

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