6 Ways to Become Your Wife’s Best Friend

6 Ways to Become Your Wife's Best Friend

Photo Courtesy: 4774344sean ©crestock.com

If you want to be your wife’s best friend then it is important to first think of all the qualities that you would want in a friend and then try to apply the list to yourself. We give you some of the things that your wife would look for in a husband, who is also her best friend.

1. Listen to her

It is not just important to hear what she is saying. You must make the effort to actually listen closely. Observe the non-verbal gestures and try to understand when she drops indirect hints. You must let your wife know that her words and thoughts are important to you and that her opinion matters to you. It is important to respect her view point as much as you respect yours.

2. Do not be judgmental

For you to be a friend, it is important that you listen with an open mind. Your wife should feel comfortable enough to share her fears, hopes, doubts, and opinions with you, without worrying about getting judged. In short, she must feel confident that she can confide in you. This can go a long way in improving your overall relationship with her.

3. Advise her as a friend

When your wife comes to you for advice, it is important that you approach the problem as a friend and not just as a husband. You must keep your ego, insecurities, and past grudges aside and talk to her as if you were advising a friend. The fact that you are her husband should not cloud your judgment as to what is right and what is wrong.

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