7 Tips on How to Get Your Appetite Back

5. Remain happy and eat with your family or friends

Appetite can be ruined if you are eating alone and that too for a long time. See that you have a family member or a friend to be with when you are eating your lunch or dinner or even if you are snacking. Being happy is one way to increase your appetite. Stress lowers the appetite to a great extent. If you have no one to be with during lunch or dinner time, play your favorite music or switch on your television for a good program. Or just call up one of your friends and have a good talk before you eat.

6. Do you have big plates? Use them

If you have lost your appetite due to reasons other than medical, then you need to treat your mind along with your body. Use big plates to eat your food. See that you decorate it well before eating. Looking at the way it is put, sometimes your mind drives at a conclusion that it is tasty and so it urges you to eat well.

7. Do not overeat

Increasing appetite does not mean overeating. Eat 6 times a day and let your meals have variety in small portions. Allow your body to digest little and take in all the nutrition. If you are following a doctor’s prescription, plan your meals and eat accordingly. See a dietician who will divide the fat and protein intake for you. Eat properly and enjoy what you are eating.

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