6 Things We Wish Were Invented for Women

4. The automatic bed

Have you ever had a woman in your life who fussed about making the perfect bed? We bet most of you have. It would be amazing if there was a bed that made itself. Your partner or mother could just say the magic word and the bed would go from mess to perfect with wrinkle-free sheets, fluffed pillows, and what not!

5. The shoe generator

Are you with a woman who never seems to have enough shoes? Well, in a perfect world, you could have saved her the worry by gifting her the shoe generator. It would automatically generate the perfect shoe to go with her dress.

6. The argument settler

We men don’t really mind having arguments. But when arguments start getting really long and pointless, we wish that the women had an argument settler. Something that would just know how an argument should be settled.

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