7 Questions To Ask A Girl You Like

5. Are you close to your family?

If you want to know about her family life, then simply ask her this question. Ask her about how she feels for her family. Ask her if she is close to her family. This is important, because you would know about her thinking towards family life. Respect is an important part in a relationship. And, you would know whether respect is important for her in life or not.

6. What is your wish in life?

Well, this can be a tad personal question, but ask her if you want to know her better. It is not easy to speak about desires and secrets in life, give it a try and see if she answers you. Ask her about her wish in life. Things she likes and wants to achieve. Things that interest her the most and makes her happy, this would also help you to get close to her.

7. Are you career oriented or family oriented?

This is like the most important thing to ask her if you are looking for a long term relationship with her. Ask her, is she is focused on her career or she also likes family life. This would give you a hint of her practical nature. If she is practical, then she would choose only career. And, if she loves family life, then naturally she would choose both the options.

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