5 Killer Ab Exercises

4. The bench exercise

In a push-up stance, firmly place your hands on a bench. Now tighten your abdomen and bend your right knee and bring it towards your chest. Hold for 2 seconds and go back to the former position. Do the same with your left leg. Do this workout for a total of 30 seconds on both sides and rest for another 30 seconds after it and repeat once.

5. The ‘X’ crunch

Lie with your back on the floor and spread out your arms and legs in a way that your body looks like an ‘X’. Now slowly lifting your shoulder, neck and head off the floor, try to touch your lifted right foot with your left hand and then your left foot with the right hand. Try and complete 10 reps of these. Simple and comparatively easier, this exercise is greatly affective as it not only targets the frontal abs but also works on the obliques and the rectus abdominis.

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