8 Fashion Mistakes Men Must Avoid

5. Square toed chunky shoes

Formal shoes that are square shaped and look chunky are what fashion nightmares are made of. They make you look avuncular so ditch them for sleek, slightly pointed or rounded shaped shoes.

6. Baggy pants

Yes, it was the ‘in’ thing once upon a time and that time has thankfully gone. Pants that skim the butt and show your underwear, that look as if they are about to fall off anytime now, are not at all cool. They make men look like freeloading slackers, something women find very unappealing.

7. Tight skinny jeans

You are not a teen heartthrob from a boy band. Actually even if you are, you are going to grow up soon and become a man and men do not wear skinny jeans. Leave them for the lanky teens and women. Tight skinnies not only make you look unappealing and less of a man, but they are also very uncomfortable for long durations and can affect your sperm count.

8. Crocs

Wonder why these shoes were such a hit in the first place. Anyone who wears Crocs nowadays, especially gaudily colored ones, becomes the butt of all ridicule. Do not buy them as they only suit small children. If you already own a pair, it’s advisable to wear them when it’s raining only.

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