9 Top Attraction Secrets Men Should Know

6. Don’t act interested in her all the time

You can wield your charm over the woman you want by seeming slightly inattentive to her occasionally. Show her that she is not the only thing on your mind, you have other things to do and think about too. This may arouse the feeling of desperation in her by making her wonder when you will shower attention on her again.

7. Let the woman pursue you

Once you know for sure that the woman you want to charm has noticed you and likes you back too, withdraw your interaction gradually. By observing the moves she makes, you will be able to judge how badly she has been smitten by you. One of the lesser known secrets of attraction is that you should give women the chance to pursue you too.

8. Act manly and chivalrous

There is a slight difference between acting manly and macho. You don’t need to become an alpha male and act aggressively to attract your woman. Simply follow a chivalrous code of conduct and make your woman feel like she is a princess. This includes opening the door for her, giving her your jacket when she is cold or paying the bills when she is with you.

9. Give her compliments that she will remember

Don’t stop at telling your woman that she looks beautiful or she is hot, because that is something that other men are likely to tell her too. Set yourself apart from other men by making your compliments original and heartfelt. Your woman will instantly feel the warmth of a personalized compliment and she will remember it for a long time as compared to clichéd praise.

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