9 Signs You’re in Love

5. You start thinking less about you

And start caring more about the other person and try to change your habits or your life to suit the other person. When you try to change yourself to make the relationship better, it is a definite sign that you are completely in love and ready to commit to the relationship.

6. You spend more time on grooming.

You want nothing but the best for your love and that translates to you wanting to look good and your best. You spend a lot of time in parlors and salons trying to look presentable and beautiful.

7. You text a lot

There is a lot of texting when you are in love. Apart from the numerous calls that go back and forth, there is also the endless texting that are about silly things like the time you woke up to the breakfast you had or just a couple of I love you’s every hour.

8. You become a poet

You are ok one day and suddenly you become a poet, wanting to write down all the feelings you have for this special someone. You become a poet and wax eloquently about how lovely the other person is.

Falling in love is a wondrous and magical feeling. Enjoy the time you get with her and try to be happy and keep her happy for happiness is in the small things in life.

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