8 Flirting Mistakes Boys Make

5. Proposing right away

Think about the situation the girl is in currently. Imagine the girl coming out of a funeral and you popping out the question. Don’t be surprised if she storms out the next moment. There are plenty of things to consider before you say the 3 magical words. Do your homework well.

6. Not liking themselves

They say things like, “I am so happy to get a girl like you.” Instead show her that you are the coveted one and she would be in your arms in no time.

7. Being very nervous and boring

Need we mention that girls prefer confident men? While sweaty palms are okay in the first few meetings, if the guy seems on the edge in practically every other conversation with the girl, then it may just gross her out. In a bid to sell themselves, some guys tend to become philosophical which could rather put the girl to sleep.

8. Going overboard while playing hard to get

Remember, there’s nothing wrong in being a challenge to a woman by blowing hot and cold. But, when it goes overboard, the girl may simply not bother to pursue you. Remember there are many available men out there and girls have many options.

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