7 Tips to Keep Your Marriage Healthy

5. Keep in mind what the other likes and dislikes

What often leads to fights between couples is the fact that the other is not sensitive to their likes and dislikes. Make sure you keep it in mind or jot down on your phone whatever your wife likes and dislikes for this will help you big time in keeping the marriage happy.

6. Renew your vows or go for a 2nd honeymoon

A dry phase in the journey of matrimony can be made exciting by renewing the wedding vows again, albeit in a different style. You could spice up things by going for a 2nd honeymoon sans kids and relive your youth.

7. Encourage each other and do constructive criticism

In a marriage, both partners ought to be supportive of each other, egging one another to keep doing well. If you feel your partner may be going wrong somewhere, offer constructive criticism but don’t attack blatantly. Encourage her for the good things and try to improve some of the little things she does that don’t sit well with you. Explain them in a nice manner and in a positive tone of voice.

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