6 Ways to Get a Girl to Notice You in a Party

4. Break into a cool dance move

If you are at a party where everyone is dancing, you can become the center of attraction by breaking into a cool dance move. All you need to do is practice a few steps at home and do them confidently on the dance floor at the party. The trick to pull this off successfully is to stop as soon as your steps get over and not make a fool out of yourself by continuing dancing if you are not too good at it. Just those few steps will catch everyone’s attention and you can bow out gracefully with the excuse to get a drink.

5. Put on a really strong perfume

You will instantly get everyone around you to notice you if you put on a very strong perfume. People will get a bang of fragrance when you walk past and they will immediately start making assumptions about you. Some people might perceive you as a rich guy who likes to splurge on expensive perfumes and some people could perceive you as a guy who just likes to show off. Whichever the case, your strong perfume will instantly make her notice you.

6. Be a fun guy

In every party, there are always a few guys who manage to liven up the atmosphere. The rest of the guys usually sit in a corner or sit at the bar. You can easily get a girl to notice you by dancing merrily; passing drinks, cracking jokes, having friendly chats with other people and doing other things that make you look like a fun loving personality. Women like men who know how to have fun and you will easily get her attention if you become the life of the party.

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