6 Truths of Life that You Should Accept

4. No amount of planning in life will work

Everyone has realized that planning gets you in life exactly where you hadn’t thought it would get you at. Having a rough plan of things in mind is fine but more often than not, even that gets changed with the course of time, events follow and we are left at a place where we hadn’t planned to be.

5. The world is a crueler place than you thought

The expectations of behavior you keep from people, including friends and family, are going to be crushed and will let you down sooner or later. People will betray you, cheat on you, back bite and back stab you, but this is how the world is. You ought to learn to be street smart and shield yourself from people who will harm you.

6. People come and go

One of the harshest realities of life is that people are not constant and will come and go. Friends will drift apart, lovers may betray, family members will die and you have to get used to the ways of life. It’s very rare that someone stays by your side at all times during your journey of life.

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