6 Tips to Beat the Holiday Bulge

 Tips to Beat the Holiday Bulge

Photo Courtesy: The Next Web

So you binged to your heart’s content in the holiday season that went by, and all you are left with is holiday hangover and a slight tummy bulge. It’s natural to go overboard while eating during special occasions and you can easily reduce the extra flab by following these tips.

1. Change 1 habit at a time

A common mistake people do is, get a little extreme in their habits, probably in gusto after looking at their bulges. They vow to completely stick to organic food, not eat out, work out like crazy, etc. But all these are only temporary solutions until one gets irked, bored or tempted and goes back to their original habits. Eliminate 1 habit at a time, and let that set in properly with your routine before starting to lessen another undesired habit.

2. Perform a minimum of half hour cardio

You have got to move your body if you want to shed off the unwanted fat. Within 2 weeks of regularly putting in, at least half an hour of cardio workout along with a proper diet can eliminate the bulge that the festive season gifted you.

3. Take small portions

The key to maintaining a diet which is healthy as well as tasty is to eat things in small portions. Have a small breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2-3 small meals in the middle but don’t binge on a huge quantity at a time. In fact dessert is also fine as long as you take a small portion only.

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