6 Tips for Men to Ooze Confidence Through Body Language

4. Stop all forms of fidgeting

Whether it is in the form of fidgety fingers, uneasy body movements or restless tapping of the foot, you must avoid all forms of fidgeting if you want to ooze confidence in your body language. This is because fidgeting is widely considered as a sign of nervousness. It can also be perceived as a sign of tension or a lack of mental calm. Every time you feel restless, you must actively keep your fingers, arms, legs and torso steady to stop yourself from fidgeting.

5. Smile more often

The way a man smiles speaks a lot about his confidence levels. A bland expression and lack of eye contact can be a sign of complete shyness. A tiny grin and short eye contact can be perceived as a sign of slight shyness. But a wide smile and a focused eye contact is definitely seen as a sign of high levels of self-confidence. It shows that you are confident about yourself and are eager to make social contact with the person you are looking at.

6. Always appear comfortable

You can practice all these tips to ooze confidence in your body language but you may still fail if you don’t look comfortable. Standing weirdly with your shoulders pulled back, holding your neck in an abnormally stiff way, uneasy shifting while sitting and any other form of discomfort in overall body image will harm your perfect body language. An easy way to make sure that you look comfortable is to wear clothes which are the right fit for your body size and to stop stressing about whether people are judging you or not.

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