6 Signs You Are a Chauvinistic Boyfriend

5. You don’t think much of her job or skills

If you think that your girlfriend got her job because of her good looks, you could be stepping out of the line and being chauvinistic. As her partner, you should be the one believing in her and backing her abilities, not objectifying her or downgrading her skills. If you have ever spoken lowly of her job, prevented her from taking a promotion or asked her to cut back her hours at work, you are behaving like a chauvinistic boyfriend.

6. You expect her to take care of you

It may be understandable if you expect care and concern from your wife, but expecting the same from your girlfriend who is not legally married to you can be a sign of chauvinism. It is a different thing if your girlfriend takes the prerogative of being concerned about you, but that is not a demand you can make to her.

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