5 Ways to Treat Sunburn

4. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera and its healing properties on skin are well known. It causes contraction of the blood vessels. Take the gel out of the leaves and apply on the burn. Repeat it several times a day for good result. The cooling sensation of the plant helps in soothing the inflamed area.

5. Tea bags

Sunburn can also cause damage to eyelids in some cases. If so, apply tea bags soaked in cold water on the burn area to bring down the swelling and alleviate pain. The tannic acid in the tea leaves helps in easing sunburn pain.

Though all of these remedies may help treat sunburn, remember to use sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) between 15 and 30 when you go out in hot sun, especially beaches. This can give you great protection against sunburn. Prevention is always better than cure, so never take chances.

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