27 Things Guys Wish Girls Knew

15.Guys find it very hard to answer the question, ‘Am I looking fat in this dress?’ Better not ask it to them.

16.Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.

17.Guys love to get massage from their girls.

18.They cannot get enough of sports, video games and action films. Ever.

19.Most guys are mama’s boys.

20.Don’t be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and made to give up easily.

21.Men don’t like over made up girls, the lesser the make up the better.

22.Don’t expect guys to pay for dates, your shopping and grocery bills. Unless he is super rich and you are a housewife, it’s just not fair to not divide the expenses.

23.Guys get more serious in love than girls. They get doubly hurt when a girl leaves them.

24.Guys prefer to talk over the phone and hear their girl’s voice than message them.

25.The reason many of the guys don’t call after a first date is not because they are uncaring, but they care enough to not lead the girl on since they didn’t feel the spark with her.

26.Guys bear romcoms for women, so they expect women to equally bear the action films.

27.Guys always want to know details about their girlfriend’s male friends.

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