15 Things We Can Only Learn from Mom

9. She taught you to be strong physically. She told you that you need to defend yourself. She also taught you to be gentle at heart at the same time.

10. She taught you to stay connected all the time. She explained the meaning of love and loving your family.

11. She taught you to be safe in different situations. She indirectly explained the meaning of staying safe.

12. She taught you to express yourself. She taught you that it is okay to express your emotions in different forms. She told you to be strong but express your feelings.

13. She taught you the meaning of empathy. She advised you to help others in time of distress. She taught you to volunteer for different noble causes.

14. She taught you to accept the situation as it is. She advised you to do your best but accept the situation if you cannot change it.

15. She taught you to cook small things so that you do not remain hungry when she is not around.

Mom teaches you the real value of life. Do tell her a heartfelt thank you!

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