10 Tips on How to Get Out of the Friend Zone with a Girl

6. Get touchy feely

Make sure not to overdo it else you will scare her off, and worse still, destroy every little feeling she might have for you. Just break the touch barrier and see her reaction. A little pressure on her forearm or a glance over her hair should do the trick.

7. Stop being a good guy

This doesn’t mean you have to start looking like a gangster all of a sudden but at least get over your “boy next door” image. Give her a glimpse of the tough guy within you, and see whether she goes weak in the knees or just laughs at the change. If it’s the first, half the job is done. If it’s the second, you can go back to being her lifelong friend.

8. Never act like a creep

As we have been stating again and again, the key to success here is being subtle. If you change overnight, and start acting like any regular pervert, you can forget the possibility of any relationship with her, and start looking for a new girl friend.

9. Don’t try to break her relationship

Stop being selfish, and start thinking about her for a change. Just because she doesn’t seem to have any romantic interest in you, doesn’t give you the right to break her off with her present boyfriend in the hope that she will come running into your arms.

10. Speak your heart out

Most guys can’t come out of the friend zone because they don’t have the guts to lay open their heart in front of their crush. Don’t keep quiet just because you fear the friendship might come to an end. There’s no point in suffering from this silent torture all the time. Rather just get it all out in the open, and see what destiny has in store for you.

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